| Spiire Australia (Ballarat) Nikon-Ashtech, & LASERPLANE range of survey products, including TPS (total stations), GNSS, GIS, FARO 3D Laser Scanners, Distance meters, Spectra & Laserplane Lasers, SECO accessories, HP calculators, gammon reels, plumb bobs, field books, flagging tape, retro targets, CST prisms & poles etc., SPALCO is a new proudly owned Australian family run business, as the Victorian distributor of Spectra Precision by Trimble Surveying Equipment, Nikon-Ashtech, & LASERPLANE range of survey products, including TPS (total stations), GNSS, GIS, FARO 3D Laser Scanners, Distance meters, Spectra & Laserplane Lasers, 2D & 3D Machine Automation for civil & Agriculture, Schonstedt Service Locators and lots more. SPALCO also represent a large range of survey accessory manufactures locally and from around the world with products like, SECO accessories, HP calculators, gammon reels, plumb bobs, field books, flagging tape, retro targets, CST prisms & poles etc. ph. 03 5312 7000 115 Doveton Street South BALLARAT CENTRAL |